Active Immune
Active Immune is a immunomodulator specifically prepared for aquaculture. It helps in increasing immunity, supports faster growth, increases nutrient absorption. It reduces the risk of infection and thus helps in reduction of mortality rate.

Composition: Blend of Echinacea, Calendula, Withania, Panax ginseng, Ocimum sanctum, Emblica officinalis, Vitmain C & E along with Selenium and minerals.
- Active Immune is targeted at boosting immunity by using the specialized herbal extracts along with immunity priming vitamins and minerals.
- Echinacea is proved to act against WSSV and other viruses in various studies
- Calendula has shown immunomodulatory effect in shrimp against the effect of Vibrio sps.
- Panax has shown to boost immunity whereas Withania helps in growth apart from giving strength.
- Selenium increases the growth and survival where as vitamain C & Emblica are good in enhancing immunity
Dosage: 5 - 10 gm/kg feed or as suggested by aquaculture consultant