Rubicon is developed exclusively for aquaculture. Rubicon is a broad spectrum disinfectant which acts against bacteria, fungi, virus and filamentous algae.

Composition: Rubicon is composed of a mixture of cetrimide type of chained Bromine compounds.
- Rubicon has cetrimide as the major component; Cetrimide has a broad spectrum action against bacteria, virus and fungi.
- Rubicon prevent the formation of algal blooms by controlling the growth of harmful algae like blue green algae and green algae.
- Rubicon acts effectively against organisms that cause diseases like antenna rot, gill rot and tail rot in prawns.
- Rubicon does not irritate the surface of aquatic organisms like fish and shrimp & is effective in the wide range of pH.
Dosage: 300 ml - 1lit per acre depending on DOC & stocking density or as advised by aquaculture consultant (For exact dosage, kindly refer the pack)
Mode of application: Mix the desired quantity in water and spread the mixture evenly on the pond.